Counseling Activites

Showing compassion towards each other is what makes us human.

counseling of parents and children at brick yard and sugarcane families :

Avani staff regularly conduct parent meeting on various communities. Every time we convinced of the importance of education, told how it is wrong to send children to work to earn money, to beg for alms. Parents and children are always counselled in the community, told how it is wrong to send them to work to earn money, to beg for alms. It tells how parents can be punished. We also tell about low related to child begging and child labouring.

Counseling of children home girls :

Avani provides professional counseling to all of the girls. Psychological Therapies such as behavioral techniques, cognitive therapy, and dance therapy are being used with positive results. Because of the positive motivation and close follow up, one child has covered her issues.

Counseling of waste picker parents and children:

We held a counseling sessions in waste picker community parents to send their children to our study classes. We explained the significance of education to both the children and their parents. We explained that if their children receive a proper education, they will have better opportunities in other jobs or any business. We asked the parents to send their children to study classes and school every day.

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